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Services Available in Charlotte
With over 70+ services available in , its easier than ever to find and book the pro you need.
Referrals so good your neighbors must have given them.
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Referrals so good your neighbors must have given them.
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Does this cost any money?

Nope! StreetFair is free and easy to use.

Does StreetFair vet companies in Charlotte?
Yes! We pride ourselves ensuring the best experience for home owners in Charlotte. Here are some of the ways we vet companies:

Neighborhood-Driven Recommendations
StreetFair lets you find trusted home service providers recommended by your neighbors. See who they hire and trust, with no paid ads or sponsorships—just organic, neighborhood-approved businesses rising to the top.

Online Reviews
We enhance transparency by pulling in review scores from Google, Facebook, and NextDoor, giving you a fuller picture to make the best choice.

Vetted Service Providers
We personally meet every business owner to ensure they’re committed to quality service, effective communication, and respect for customers.

How do group discounts work?

Businesses save time and money when they can schedule neighbors together. StreetFair lets businesses offer group discounts within a neighborhood.

The more neighbors, the better the deal. Everyone wins!

Can I trust reviews on StreetFair in Charlotte?
Yes! Reviews in StreetFair are from your neighbors in Charlotte with proven service completions.
Do businesses advertise on StreetFair in Charlotte?
No, we don’t allow any ads or paid promotions in Charlotte or any other state. Companies cannot pay to be featured on StreetFair.

Listings and rankings are based solely on their reputation.

How does StreetFair make money?

We charge a small service fee to the provider for only the jobs they complete.